The Vessels for Transformation series was initially crafted as personal talismans, aiding me in confronting life's challenges and encounters. Each mask serves as a vessel, invoking powers to protect against threats, pay homage to nature, summon needed energies, or foster healing.
Initiated in 2013, this ongoing series draws inspiration from ancient cultures, science fiction, and contemporary materials. It reflects a quest for empowerment, utilizing available means and skills to manifest powerful spirits capable of guiding through life's trials. Blending fantastical mythology with intuitive creativity, the obscured characters invite interpretation without historical constraints.
Rooted in the belief that imagery holds transformative potential, the masks are shared symbols of empowerment, offering guidance and protection to all who seek them.
The Vessels for Transformation series was initially crafted as personal talismans, aiding me in confronting life's challenges and encounters. Each mask serves as a vessel, invoking powers to protect against threats, pay homage to nature, summon needed energies, or foster healing.
Initiated in 2013, this ongoing series draws inspiration from ancient cultures, science fiction, and contemporary materials. It reflects a quest for empowerment, utilizing available means and skills to manifest powerful spirits capable of guiding through life's trials. Blending fantastical mythology with intuitive creativity, the obscured characters invite interpretation without historical constraints.
Rooted in the belief that imagery holds transformative potential, the masks are shared symbols of empowerment, offering guidance and protection to all who seek them.
Focus Freebooter, mixed media, 20"x 16" x 28", 2016
Focus Freebooter, mixed media, 20" x 16" x 28", 2016
The Revelator, ink and colored pencil,15" x 18", 2014
The Silencer, ink and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013
The Confuser, ink and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013
The Death Distracter, ink and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013
The Trickster, ink and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013
The Spirit Warrior, pen and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013
The Spring Sower, ink and colored pencil, 15" x 18", 2013